@echo off REM Create Spectrum24 floppy disk from CD @echo Creating Spectrum24 driver installation diskette... set FDRIVE=A:\ if "%1"=="?" goto ErrorArg if "%1"=="-H" goto ErrorArg if "%1"=="-h" goto ErrorArg if "%1"=="/h" goto ErrorArg if "%1"=="/H" goto ErrorArg if "%1"=="b:" set FDRIVE=B:\ if "%1"=="b" set FDRIVE=B:\ if "%1"=="b:\" set FDRIVE=B:\ if "%1"=="B:" set FDRIVE=B:\ if "%1"=="B" set FDRIVE=B:\ if "%1"=="B:\" set FDRIVE=B:\ if "%2"=="" goto ALL if "%2"=="ND45" goto ND45 if "%2"=="ND5" goto ND5 if "%2"=="ALL" goto ALL goto ErrorArg REM =============================== REM Win2k NDIS5 AND Win9xNT4 NDIS4 REM =============================== :ND45 @echo Ready to create diskette for Win2000, Win9x and WinNT4.0 on floppy drive %FDRIVE% @echo Place a formatted floppy disk in drive %FDRIVE% pause copy sla41nd4.inf %FDRIVE% copy Oemsetup.inf %FDRIVE% copy sladisk %FDRIVE% mkdir %FDRIVE%Win95 copy win95\*.* %FDRIVE%Win95 mkdir %FDRIVE%WinNT mkdir %FDRIVE%WinNT\i386 copy WinNT\i386\*.* %FDRIVE%WinNT\i386 mkdir %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\sla4coins.dll %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\sladisk %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\SLA4NCPA.dll %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\SLA4ncpa.HLP %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\SLA4NDI.DLL %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\Sla41nd5.sys %FDRIVE%ndis5 goto End REM =============================== REM REM =============================== REM :ND5 REM if "%3"=="" goto ND5_98 REM if "%3"=="98" goto ND5_98 REM if "%3"=="2000" goto ND5_2000 REM goto ErrorArg REM =============================== REM Win98 and Win2K NDIS5 REM =============================== :ND5 @echo Ready to create diskette for NDIS5 Win98 and Win2000 on floppy drive %FDRIVE% @echo Place a formatted floppy disk in drive %FDRIVE% pause copy ndis5\sla4coins.dll %FDRIVE% copy ndis5\sladisk %FDRIVE% copy ndis5\SLA4NCPA.dll %FDRIVE% copy ndis5\SLA4ncpa.HLP %FDRIVE% copy ndis5\SLA4NDI.DLL %FDRIVE% copy ndis5\Sla41nd5.sys %FDRIVE% copy ndis5\Sla41nd5.inf %FDRIVE% goto End REM =============================== REM All Drivers REM =============================== :ALL @echo "Ready to create diskette for ALL Windows on floppy drive" %FDRIVE% @echo NDIS5 Win98 path in diskette is a:\ndis5\ @echo Place a formatted floppy disk in drive %FDRIVE% pause copy sla41nd4.inf %FDRIVE% copy Oemsetup.inf %FDRIVE% copy sladisk %FDRIVE% mkdir %FDRIVE%Win95 copy win95\*.* %FDRIVE%Win95 mkdir %FDRIVE%WinNT mkdir %FDRIVE%WinNT\i386 copy WinNT\i386\*.* %FDRIVE%WinNT\i386 mkdir %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\sla4coins.dll %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\sladisk %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\SLA4NCPA.dll %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\SLA4ncpa.HLP %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\SLA4NDI.DLL %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\Sla41nd5.sys %FDRIVE%ndis5 copy ndis5\Sla41nd5.inf %FDRIVE%ndis5 goto End :ErrorArg @echo mkSLAdsk- Creates Spectrum24 Driver Installation Diskette @echo Usage: makedisk drive [NDIS] @echo where drive is A: or B: @echo where NDIS is: ND45 for NDIS4 Win9X/NT4.0 AND NDIS5 Win2K @echo ND5 for NDIS5 Win2K/98 @echo ALL for All of the above, NDIS5 Win98 @echo path in diskette is a:\ndis5\ @echo and @echo Defaults: A:, NDIS4, Win95/98/NT :End cd \ @echo Done.