WildPackets Name Table Format

Doc version

for AiroPeek 1.1 or higher, AiroPeek NX v1.0 or higher, EtherPeek NX v1.0 or higher, EtherPeek v4.2 or higher, TokenPeek v4.2 or higher

The Name Table uses XML for saving and loading names. An example of this XML format is provided below. XML files can be edited with a text editor or an XML editor. Peek can also load ASCII text files into the Name Table. The ASCII format rules and examples are at the end of this document.

WildPackets Name Table file as XML

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252"?>
<NameTable Version="3.0">
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Address Type="Ethernet" Resolve="None">10:00:E0:*:*:*</Address>
        <Group>Additional Addresses</Group>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Name>ATalk Ph2 Broadcast</Name>
        <Address Type="Ethernet" Resolve="None">09:00:07:FF:FF:FF</Address>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Name>DEC Tester</Name>
        <Address Type="Ethernet" Resolve="None">AA:00:03:02:00:00</Address>
        <Group>Additional Addresses</Group>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Address Type="Ethernet" Resolve="None">AA:00:00:*:*:*</Address>
        <Group>Additional Addresses</Group>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Name>Mcast DEC</Name>
        <Address Type="Ethernet" Resolve="None">08:00:2B:22:00:00</Address>
        <Group>Additional Addresses</Group>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Name>IP Broadcast</Name>
        <Address Type="IP" Resolve="None"></Address>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Address Type="Ethernet" Resolve="None">40:00:03:*:*:*</Address>
        <Group>Additional Addresses</Group>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Name>Gateway IP</Name>
        <Address Type="IP" Node="Router"></Address>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Address Type="IP"></Address>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Name>Client IP</Name>
        <Address Type="IP" Node="Workstation"></Address>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Name>Broadcast IP</Name>
        <Address Type="IP"></Address>
    <Entry Class="Address">
        <Address Type="IP"></Address>
    <Entry Class="Protocol">
        <Name>DN SNAP</Name>
        <Protocol Type="SNAP">08-00-2B-*-*</Protocol>
        <Group>Additional Protocols</Group>
    <Entry Class="Protocol">
        <Name>Proway Mgmt</Name>
        <Protocol Type="LSAP">0E</Protocol>
        <Group>Additional Protocols</Group>
    <Entry Class="Port">
        <Port Type="IPPort">13</Port>
    <Entry Class="Port">
        <Port Type="IPPort">17</Port>
    <Entry Class="Port">
        <Port Type="IPPort">18</Port>

WildPackets Name Table file as ASCII Text

You can import a tab-delimited ASCII text file with the syntax described below into the Name Table by using the Load Names button in the Name Table window. The Name Table file syntax rules for tab-delimited ASCII files are shown in the sample file on the next pages.

# This is an AiroPeek Name Table file, created:
#11:25 AM, Saturday, February 6, 1993
# The format of this file is:
# Name followed by a tab, followed by a type designator.
# This type designator can be one of the following:
# "LSAP"
# "SNAP"
# "Ethernet"
# "AppleTalk"
# "IP"
# "DECnet"
# Designator is followed by a tab, and then an address or type.
# The format of this field, depending on the designator, is:
# If the designator is LSAP, the format expected is:
# "0xe0"
# "$e0"
# "E0"
# If the designator is SNAP, the format expected is:
# "08-00-07-80-9b"
# "08:00:07:80:9b"
# "08-00-07-*-*"
# If the designator is Ethernet, the format expected is:
# "00:03:a0:0b:f3:66"
# "0:3:a0:b:f3:66"
# "0-3-a0-0b-f3-66"
# "00:03:a0:*:*:*"
# "00-03-a0-b-f3-*"
# If the designator is AppleTalk, the format expected is:
# "0.255" (net.node)
# "1000.255"
# "1000.*"
# If the designator is IP, the format expected is:
# ""
# "128.112.*.*"
# If the designator is DECnet, the format expected is:
# "17.381" (area.node)
# "17.*"
# This is followed optionally by a tab and a color value.
# Characters following a "#" are comments and are ignored.
# Example:
#mahboud Ethernet 00:03:a0:4b:f3:66 0
# (0 is always black)
#tim enet 00:00:a0:83:43:2e
# commment
# IP Address
NetWare	LSAP	0xe0
Sniffer	LSAP	0xf4
XNS	SNAP	00-00-00-06-00
DoD IP	SNAP	00-00-00-08-00
ARP	SNAP	00-00-00-08-06
Vines	SNAP	00-00-00-0b-ad
DEC MOP	SNAP	00-00-00-60-01
DEC MOP	SNAP	00-00-00-60-02
DEC Transport	SNAP	00-00-00-60-03
DEC LAT	SNAP	00-00-00-60-04
DEC UPT	SNAP	00-00-00-60-06
DEC Control	SNAP	00-00-00-60-07
RARP	SNAP	00-00-00-80-35
AARP	SNAP	00-00-00-80-f3
AppleTalk	SNAP	08-00-07-80-9b
Ethernet Brdcst	Ethernet	ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
IP Broadcast	IP

WildPackets, Inc.
1340 Treat Blvd., Suite 500
Walnut Creek, CA 94597 USA

Copyright © 2003 WildPackets, Inc.
All rights reserved.