?_?V/&lG8- ASA Help/&;)z4u-s%  |CONTEXTN|CTXOMAP=|FONT<|KWBTREEi>|KWDATA=|KWMAPX>|SYSTEM|TOPICn|TTLBTREEFF뙐vv+F;vu;Fu&FG&vv{+F^_]UWVFFv v F^ &@2F%1F&@2F%1Ff& A2%1FF&A2%1FF&A2%1FF&B2%1FF&B2%1FF&B2% 1FF& B2%@1FFFF&"B2%1Ff&'A2%1Ff&o 2% 1Ff&w*2%1F&|.&?r%^ |?@s-^&F$^ W- ^&&WFFV^F&&WFtV^ |,r#|@sG-^F&!GW- ^F&&WFt5^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&Ft6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&Ft6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&Ft6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&F t6^ |@}G,^F&G- ^F&F@t6^  | @}G ,8 8 9E1EContents  el i  c։y ANTENNA SYSTEM ANALYZER Version 1.1 1/15/94(C) Micro Resources, 1994Table of ContentsI. RegistrationII. OverviewIII. Using Antenna System AnalyzerBE- **H Calculating...We Ѐޤ kt牂lp軴ZP򤉂eӉW.P Л }+SWR (at input) SWR (at output)System gain Total line loss Effective radiated power Summary of input requirementsSWR calculatordB calculatorCoax data tableCoax chartDB- *.H 㱞 Printing ResultsBG ^  SmXZ 㮋~ IV. Comments and SuggestionsV. License & Warranty< B1RegisteringUE X 㮋~   Registering ASAThis program is distributed as shareware. You are free to evaluate it, copy, and share it with others. If you find the program useful and continue to use it, please register it. (See License & Warranty or the file license.wri for further information). When you register, you will receive the most recent version of the program.If you have a printer attached to your system, you can register by selecting Register from the main menu. Fill out the information requested on the form and press the Print button. Enclose a check or money order for $20 and mail to:: B Micro ResourcesPO Box 671222Chugiak, AK 99567-1222If you don't have a printer, you can register by sending your name, address, and phone number, along with $20 to the above address.91N Overview 0 .  Overview of the Antenna System AnalyzerAntenna system analyzer allows you to determine the performance of your existing antenna system, as well as aid in designing modifications. With the "Analyzer", you can determine the effect of changing to an antenna with different gain or changing the feed line. To use the program, you need to know or be able to measure the characteristics for your system, including transmitter output power, SWR, line loss characteristics, and antenna gain. 6 : ASA can calculate the following:SWR at input & loaddBsystem gaintotal line losseffective radiated powerIn addition, line loss information for common coax cables is included.: . 1. Using ASAuE 0 0Using the Antenna System AnalyzerAnalyzing (Analyze menu):W. 9 @=Antenna System Analyzer uses one screen to collect the input data and perform calculations for all functions available from the Analyze | Define menu. You enter the required data in the Define section and select the calculation you want to perform in the Calculate section. r ; F  Calculating (Tools menu):Tools for determining SWR and dB are accessible from the Tools menu.Other: 2 2 A table of line loss for several coax cables can be accessed from the Tools | Coax data menu option. A graph showing the relative losses for common cables is also provided (Tools | Coax graph)G 1AAnalyzing SWR at input\t0 0 Analyzing SWR at input (Analyze | Define)Input required: SWR @ load and line loss.9) "  Define box:sGt,@, ( Enter the SWR at the load and selec,@t the Load radio button. z@% ! Enter the line loss either in dB or dB/100 ft. If you use dB/100 ft, you must also enter the length of the feed line. @,@ A, (( Calculate box:}@A: D! In the Calculate box, select the SWR @ input radio button and press the Accept button to perform the calculation.H A B1: BDAnalyzing SWR at output^AB0 0 Analyzing SWR at output (Analyze | Define)Input required: SWR @ input and line loss.9 BB) "  Define box:qDBBC- *Pi: Enter the SWR at the input and select the Input radio button.zBC( ! Enter the line loss either in dB or dB/100 ft. If you use dB/100 ft, you must also enter the length of the feed line. (BC D% W :CFD( $ Calculate box:| DD: D! In the Calculate box, select the SWR @ load radio button and press the Accept button to perform the calculation.FFDBE1lBEhHAnalyzing system gainkDE- * Analyzing system gain (Analyze | Define)Input required: Antenna gain, SWR @ input and line loss.7BEF(  Define box:iEF5 :Pi: eb$ Enter the antenna gain in dBi.Enter the SWR at the input and select the Input radio button. zFNG% ! Enter the line loss either in dB or dB/100 ft. If you use dB/100 ft, you must also enter the length of the feed line. @FG, (( Calculate box:vNG>H: D! In the Calculate box, select the Gain radio button and press the Accept button to perform the calculation.*GhH%  F>HH1HvKAnalyzing system loss_hH:I- * Analyzing total line loss (Analyze | Define)Input required: SWR @ input and line loss.7HqI(  Define box:tG:II- *Pi: Enter the SWR at the input and select the Input radio button. zqIJ% ! Enter the line loss either in dB or dB/100 ft. If you use dB/100 ft, you must also enter the length of the feed line. @IJ, (( Calculate box:{JvK7 >! In the Calculate box, select the Total loss radio button and press the Accept button to perform the calculation.> JK1QK Analyzing ERP|vK^L. , Analyzing ERP (Analyze | Define)Input required: Transmitter output power, antenna gain, SWR @ input and line loss.7KL(  Define box:W0^LL' `Pi: Enter the transmitter output power in watts.LM2 2S! KB2eb$Enter the antenna gain in dBi. If your antenna gain is specified in dBd (referenced to dipole), add 2.14 dB to convert to dBi (referenced to isotropic radiator).vHL=N. ,Pi: Enter the SWR at the input and select the Input radio button. zMN% ! Enter the line loss either in dB or dB/100 ft. If you use dB/100 ft, you must also enter the length of the feed line. @=NO, (( Calculate box:tN 7 >! In the Calculate box, select the ERP radio button and press the Accept button to perform the calculation.O vKNOZ1_ ZkSummary of input requirements k ̀%   ޤkt牃lp軴ZP򤉃Summary of input requirementsBelow are the items required to perform calculations from the Analyze menu.To calculateYou need to knowSWR at inputSWR at load, line lossSWR at outputSWR at input, line lossGainSWR at input, antenna gain, line lossTotal line lossSWR at input, line lossERPSWR at input, line loss, antenna gain, transmitter power?Z1 sSWR calculator\.k. ,\ SWR Calculator(Tools | SWR Calculator)m)sD VS The SWR calculator determines SWR from forward and reverse power readings.Enter the measured power levels in the appropriate boxes. You can adjust the levels up or down through the use of the scroll up or down controls.Click on the Calculate button and the SWR will be displayed.> 1 dB calculatorX+s - *V dB Calculator(Tools | dB Calculator)H ^  The dB calculator determines dB using a reference power level and a new power level. This is useful for examining the relationship between gain and power levels. Enter the reference power and the power level you want to compare it with. The power levels can be adjusted up or down through the use of the scroll up or down controls.Press the Calculate button to display gain or loss in dB. Losses are shown as negative numbers.: J1t Jcoax dataV(. ,P Coax data(Tools | dB Calculator)J5 8_ Impedance and loss information on common coaxial cables is provided. Use the drop-down box to select the cable of interest. This information can be used to estimate probable line loss at a given frequency (and can be used in calculations accessible from the Analyze menu).You can add or modify the data by editing the COAX.PRM file. See the comments in the file for details. There is a limit of 30 entrys in the file.; 1' coax chartS(+ &P Coax chart(Tools | dB Calculator)t%  The coax chart shows the relationship between loss (attenuation) and frequency for several common coaxial cables.A1wPrinting results:&& ( Printing resultsQw: B/  You can print results of calculations performed from the Analyze | Define menu by selecting the Print button in the results dialog box. ASA uses the Windows Print Manager to spool the job to your printer.Results of calculations from the Tools menu can not be printed.1&1iwi% 9 SWRStanding wave ratio, sometimes referred to as VSWR. ASA includes a calculator to allow you to determine SWR from forward and reverse power readings.11^ǎ-iǎ%  dB Means of quantifying a power gain or loss. dB is calculated by comparing a reference (or existing) power level to a new level. For example, a change from 10 watts to 100 watts represents a 10 dB gain. A one dB change is just perceptible to the human ear.41dBiǎ( 9 dBiGain of an antenna in reference to an isotropic radiator (dBi = 1). To convert dBi to dBd, subtract 2.14 dB. To convert dBd to dBi, add 2.14 dB.4 1 dBd )  dBdGain of an antenna in reference to a dipole. To convert dBd to dBi, add 2.14 dB.To convert dBi to dBd, subtract 2.14 dB.G 1|Comments & Suggestions|D|8 > Comments & SuggestionsYour comments and suggestions are welcome and encouraged. Changes and enhancements to the program to meet users needs are important. You may comment and leave bug reports using Compuserve or by U.S. Mail:Compuserve:71001,543U.S. MailMicro ResourcesPO Box 671222Chugiak, AK 99567N1]License & Warranty Disclaimerc|oB R c License & Warranty DisclaimerYou should carefully read the terms and conditions associated with this program prior to its use.You are hereby licensed to use ASA for a 30 day evaluation period. You may make as many copies of the program as you wish, provided that each "copy" contains the entire contents of the distribution file.Evaluation and RegistrationThis is not free software. This license allows you to use this software for evaluation purposes without charge for a period of 30 days. If you use this software after the 30 day evaluation period, a registration fee of $20 is required\, & Disclaimer of WarrantyThis software and the accompanying files are provided "as is". without any warranty as to performance or suitability, or any other warranties expressed or implied.}Xo%  As with all new software, this program should be thoroughly tested with non-critical data and/or in non-critical applications before relying on it. The user must assume all risk associated with use of this program. Any liability on the part of the seller will be limited exclusively to product replacement or refund of the purchase price.1\1OFHelvstuvwxyz{|}~Times New RomanSymbolArialhumanistUnivers (E1) +"]T rPȂȁFd "ȁ/&;)i24+F;vu;F coax chartcoax datacommentsdB dBddBiERPgain input requirements(license,loss0printing results4suggestions8SWR<total line lossLwarrantyP 0& W uF&LV tF&uF&t&tPvF&"^&9Gu&9Wt 0&^뚎F&tF&u&D&T  RP t=F&t%8 u-F&t&tǚ'GΎ&t&tP.,̎+&D&D0& ^_]U WV^F&Gt0& F&Du V uF&t&D &Tȋ RP+P~^&.ϋN^+ڃut5͎&>^uώ&  &^ώ& ͎vF&tv v vv$͉FV0&^0& |<~t4FF&D &T&D&T &9T|&9D v&D &T&D&T FV^_] UWV^ F&Gt0& +v~|F&Du V uF&tFV RP&Ύ0& = t-FFV&D&T &9T|&9D vFV&D &T^_]UWVv FF&&TFVRP uF&t+PPP& tF&tFP RP#8= t tF&DuvvVvvFV=u;uFF&Du&D&T^&G&W^FVF&9Du&9T t&D&T FV u0&t+PPP&S u#F&tFP RP \~hc19 u 0&C:\~hc190& ~&D&TFV^&w&wLPQFPHщF uF=u/^&w&wƋVRP+PPFP+Pro the8Ҏ0& 4vvvv uF&D&TFV^&w&wLPQFPJ u뢐&D&T  ;V};Fw&D&T vC:\~hc19DFV=u;uvvvv tFF&Dt-&D&TFV^&w&wLPQFPJ_ЉF u F0& F&Du ~ t^&w&wƋVRP҃~ uQ0&> vvF&t&tD0&> 'F&tǚ%{ӎ&t&tPp DPG- ^F&F@t6^  | @}G ,|FONT<|SYSTEM|TOPICnF;Fr-F9Fs%vvWvvvV t$FFF뵐&F&Ƌ@VGF뙐vv+F;vu;Fu&FG&vv{+F^_]UWVFFv v F^ &/&;)Lz7&^&nContentsRegisteringOverviewUsing ASAd Analyzing SWR at input Analyzing SWR at outputȂAnalyzing system gainAnalyzing system lossrAnalyzing ERPSummary of input requirementsSWR calculatordB calculatorcoax datacoax chartFPrinting resultsq  dBi dBdComments & SuggestionsȁLicense & Warranty DisclaimerDzF fvvv v J8^] UWVv ~;wF~FF vFF Fu++F+ɻ+N;| ;vڋȋFV | =v+Ҹ;|;vȋVvvvvbS" +)vN+ҋNй!V+ҋNй!ViFϋ؋FV"ӉFVF ؋FVƃӉFVF FuF+҉FV u FFF+҉FV u FFFV;V| ;FvVFN^ | v+۹;|;vP+ҋȋڋF+NN¹"FvvƋۉFV+NùFvvbS FV)FV!NjV^_]ːUWVv F u.0&^^~F PVFPFP+PP^*Pߋσ㋇*ك *P+PPP.0&^ uF^_]UWV~F u.0&^QvF PWFPFP+PPPQރ 닗*ރ *R+QQN#P.0&^ uF^_]U WVF V FV+FFvvv++FN^ | v+;rw;vVFP u?F+FV+ۋNڹ!^)FV9V| 9Vt;t~uWF FuFF+.0&^FV^_] U WVF V FV+FFF Fu.0&^+vvv++FN^ uv+;rw;vVFP u;F+FV+ۋNڹf$^)FV9V| 9Vt;t;vu+%F FuFF~uW .0&^FV^_] UvP]UVv+PPPFP tVo.0&^FF .0&^FV^]UVv v vvFP% tV.0&^FF .0&^FV^]UVv$N!u+.0&^u+^]Uv vv=uJ=t4w, t,t.0&^6.0&^(.0&^ .0&^ .0&^&^]UVvv+PP tV .0&^ .0&^/&;)L4ptKw'< t9w=Pcy ЛW. ޤd ZPrlpȂ軴eb$ #=qekt P F}+KB2>SmXZ~ȁ~~~&D&L I&\0&D2FދF&9G|~+PF&DRPf2F؉V u/& 0Fډ~FvV~‰F=^&=u /& vvvvvV t^&7GFVRPF&D HPV tF&L &DI&D0&T2Vv v vvVFՁ }vWvVmD~ ubF&DRPvvvWvF!g~ F&5v v ^&G HPS+PPFP&_8=tT.u&> u& vvؚ4F&t.&t,ǚ4+&D.&D,vvvVms uvvؚ4قF&E^FVFҙFV&G+FV+FV-RP~N~҃NQW~QW! 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