Squalo -- Compact Omnidirectional Horizontally Polarized Antenna Free Space 24.94 MHz 4 wires, inches 4 0,-28.75,0 0,28.75,0 #12 4 0,-28.75,0 57.5,-28.75,0 #12 4 57.5,-28.75,0 57.5,28.75,0 #12 4 57.5,28.75,0 0,28.75,0 #12 1 source 2,100,0 1 load capacitor 10,0,-6300 This omnidirectinal antenna shows only a ñ1.5 dB variation in azimuth. The capacitor is there to keep the size of the loop down, and can be used to tune the system to resonance (as it was during the MN analysis). The antenna can be gamma matched and attached to the roof of a car with suction cups, providing a low profile horizontal radiator for mobile use on 10 or 12 meters.