Broadside Array -- Stacked Dipoles Free Space 28.5 MHz 2 wires, inches 20 0,-101,-136 0,101,-136 #12 20 0,-101,136 0,101,136 #12 2 sources 10,100,0 29,100,0 0 loads This simple antenna provides a fair amount of bidirectional gain over a dipole, without any narrowing of the pattern in azimuth. This is a big plus for fixed arrays used for general purpose work. However, for the lower frequencies the total height can get excessive if you really try to get the lower dipole off the ground a ways. Note the nice match to 50 ohms at each feedpoint, allowing simple feed using 3/4 wave 75 ohm coax sections, which when joined result in a single 50 ohm feedpoint.