2 Element Quad Free Space 24.94 MHz 8 wires, inches 6 0 -61.25 -61.25 0 61.25 -61.25 #12 6 0 -61.25 -61.25 0 -61.25 61.25 #12 6 0 -61.25 61.25 0 61.25 61.25 #12 6 0 61.25 61.25 0 61.25 -61.25 #12 6 -71 -64.75 -64.75 -71 64.75 -64.75 #12 6 -71 -64.75 -64.75 -71 -64.75 64.75 #12 6 -71 -64.75 64.75 -71 64.75 64.75 #12 6 -71 64.75 64.75 -71 64.75 -64.75 #12 1 source 3 100 0 0 loads This antenna was optimized for best pattern. It has about 0.5 dB less gain than a max gain design. It has a much better pattern than any 2 el Yagi, and about 0.5 dB more gain as well. To get the exact wire lengths you should use more segments.